Hello, Hello birdies!! How are you?? Happy Friyay by the way! I've been working my ass off on a holiday show house room this week..hence the silence. I'm excited that it's finally almost finished. I'm leaving to grab fresh flowers in a few and put on a the finishing touches before tonight's opening night party. It is at the Daniel Webster Estate in Marshfield. If you live near by, I would love for you to come visit!! I think historic preservation is a wonderful thing and was happy to decorate a room for the holiday show house. I could not move all of the existing furniture out of the space but I moved a few of the older Victorian pieces. I did however, truck in loads of greens, bows and beautiful objects. I'll be sharing professional photos and more details later this month! I've included a peek of the tea party table below. Clearly, I designed a little girl's dream bedroom on Christmas morning. Here is what I am wearing to the gala tonight. (If my jumpsuit arrives in time)
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